hi, i'm emma...

Taking the leap into photography as a ‘passion with purpose’, and not just an obsessive hobby...was a long time coming! but I did it, and here I am, a few years on. thanks so much for coming for a nose!
I'm mummy to two beautiful little boys who are totally bonkers, superhero daft and are my absolute world. you can usually find me with bath bubbles on my face, lifting transformers and dinos from the back of the car, and dodging spiderman foam bullets & being rammed with a ride on fire engine whilst trying to make the dinner!!!......wouldn't have it any other way :)
I ADORE taking photos, and have been pushed and nudged by many over the years to jump in. I’m extremely nostalgic AND sentimental by nature. So I get all the massive emotional feels for all my clients and their happy moments.
I've had a memory box since I was a kid. It's filled with gentle reminders of all that’s been - my grannys wedding ring, a note from the tooth fairy! my grandads favourite cap, highschool photos, flight and gig tickets – and it's just so lovely to have a rake through it every so often.
Having keepsake photos, is just like filling a big old memory box. Snap the best bits, keep forever. Revisit again and again. Jobs a good'un.
I feel tremendously lucky that my awesome clients trust my creativity and love for the craft, so much so you hand me the reigns to capture these precious memories for you...but very little of where I am comes down to luck. i've grafted like a wee tojan to get to the place I find myself today. when i say i pour my soul into every project and every piece of work, its no word of a lie. classic case of go big or go home!!
bringing this day dream to life means the absolute world to me, and blows my mind a little!!..a huuuge thank you thank you thank you to you all for making it happen.
When you find your calling, you know. I'm so ridiculously excited to meet more of you lovely lot and share these epic days with you.

Em xx

some random facts

My hair is naturally kind of curly/wavy/a bit mental.
so you'll be in for a laugh if we get caught
in the rain on your big day!


is my favourite season


 My first labour was 52 hours loooong...and the second 14 hours.
Hands down THE best 2.5 days of my life.


 I can crochet.
made my babies little hats and booties for a cozy arrivaL


I play the guitar.
im no Slash. but i enjoy a tinker.


I'm a bit of a candle fan.
just a wee bit.


sang in a band briefly.
had a lock in and sing song with Simon Fowler
from Ocean Colour scene AFTER A GIG.
pretty cool night.


build a house from anything -


Favourite childhood film- Labyrinth!


Insta Interiors creep and home reno lover.


My Dream dinner party guests -

Denzel Washington
David Attenborough
Ashley Graham
Matthew mcconaughey
The Rock
Julia Roberts
Eddie + Patsy!!!!

quick fire round...

(courtesy of a friend who had 5 mins to spare)

Sunset or sunrise

ehhmmmm, pfffft. ehhh.....sunrise.

Toilet paper. over or under.


too hot or too cold.


you win an olympic medal. for anything!!....

My chocolate tiffin.

hidden talent.


You're in jail. For what crime??

loving super noodles.
eating them with tomato sauce.
not even sorry.


Chunky knits
idyllic little towns
party planning
wild flowers
Winter walks
beautiul gift wrapping
sushi everything

not so much

horror films
the dentist
politics - I don't have the energy!!
wind turbines - They creep me out.
obnoxiously noisy foods!! - exits room.